American Chemistry Council (ACC) and the Plastics Industry Association (PLASTICS). Since 2016, this initiative has been carried out in Turkiye by PAGEV-Turkish Plastics Industry Research, Development and Education Foundation and OCS Turkiye Certification Program has been established as of 2023. According to the Certification program made mandatory by OCS Global, an audit must be carried out by a third party conformity assessment body and certificates must be issued accordingly. CERTILOOP Certification Company is the authorised certification body approved by OCS Global at the point of implementation of the program in Turkiye. All international OCS Programs can be accessed from the following link;  Operation Clean Sweep® Around the World

The requirements of this program have been developed based on the six topics of the Operation Clean Sweep commitment. When integrating into this program, companies sign a commitment to implement the following 6 actions. The certification program has been developed in consultation with industry experts, trade associations, NGOs, legislators and certification bodies. The OCS Turkiye certification program aims to check and document companies' compliance with the requirements for the prevention of loss of plastic granules, powders and flakes to the environment along the entire plastics supply chain.

  1.  Improvement of the work site to prevent unwanted spillages and spillages,

  2.  Establish and publish internal procedures for zero granule loss targets,

  3. Ensuring employee training and participation for spill prevention, containment, clean-up and disposal,

  4. Regular monitoring and recording of performance,

  5. Compliance with all applicable regulations (local, national and EU) for the storage of granules,

  6. Encouraging all stakeholders in the value chain to pursue the same objectives.

Compliance with International Commitments of the Plastics Industry

Operation Clean Sweep fully meets the commitments made by world leaders in the plastics industry in the "Joint Declaration for a Solution to the Marine Litter Problem" signed during the 5th International Marine Litter Conference in Honolulu in 2011. Among the six main objectives of the declaration, "managing the transport and distribution of plastic raw material granules and products from supplier to customer to prevent product loss, and encouraging our customers to do the same" is clearly included.

You can watch the video below with examples of US companies that have implemented Operation Clean Sweep and how they have benefited from the operation.

OCS Countries Guide